Submit a request

The Oregon E-Government Service Desk offers services and support for many applications. The forms in the drop menu of this page all result in a service desk ticket being created and using the appropriate form offered here will ensure that we have all the ingormation we need for a specific request type and more timely processing and completion of your request.

Be sure to check the form you select as many of them have special instructions and/or pre-requisites at the top of the form that must be followed in order for the request to be accepted and fulfilled.

Some common selections are:
Request for access to the Oregon Public Meetings Manager or Statewide Newsroom application
Request a new Website Author
Request a new TPE user
Request a website redirect

When a link is chosen, the form will render below.

Here are more forms you may want to use. If you don't see one specific to your need, use the top selection, "Service Desk Ticket Form".