Shawn Amsberry
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Recent activity by Shawn Amsberry-
Embed Power BI assets on web pages
This article and video address embedding content on an web page, specifically Power BI assets. Preliminary notes The video assumes that the watcher is familiar with: The SharePoint envi...
Service Desk Calendar
Note: Training opportunities will return after the new year. There is a playlist of "Website Author Introduction Series Session 1-3" recorded training videos that can be watched on YouTube at:htt...
Setting a Pages library to require approval for publishing
By default libraries in a site or subsite are not set to require approval for publishing. This means that site members or owners can edit pages and publish them directly. However, if your agency re...
Google Analytics 4 (GA4) - Helpful Page Poll Votes
This exploration will help web site teams identify web pages that may not be serving the viewers the best that they could. Using the data here will allow efforts to be focused on pages where it's ...
Google Analytics (GA4) - Disclaimer
In July of 2023, Google deprecated collection and support of the previous Google Analytics version known as Universal Analytics. That being the case, Oregon (and other) website metrics are no longe...
Google Analytics (GA4) - FormBuilder submissions
the FormBuilder submissions exploration helps you to understand which forms are being used on your site and how often they are being filled and submitted. This can be an indicator as to whether a ...
Google Analytics 4 (GA4) - an introduction
Google Analytics significantly changed on July 1, 2023. This article will address some of the most visible changes and serve as an introduction to the following support articles for the new versio...
Google Analytics 4 (GA4) - Page Views descending by views exploration
This video illustrates and describes the exploration giving the most basic metric for your sites, how many times pages were viewed in the time frame chosen. The exploration can of course be tailor...
Google Analytics 4 (GA4) - Document downloads by file and source exploration
The exploration shows which documents have been accessed and from what page over the time range selected. This can be used in conjunction with other explorations to determine if visitors are using...
Google Analytics 4 (GA4) - Document Downloads by page
The exploration shows which pages have been used to access documents over the time range selected. This can be used in conjunction with other explorations to determine if visitors are using your s...