TPE Order Details
The Order Details page displays information about orders that can be used to help answer questions regarding the validity, origin and status of the order being displayed.
The order details page is available to TPE users of any permission level.
This video is almost 5 minutes long.
Notes on the Order Details Page
The Order Details page offers information about the order in the following categories:
- Merchant and Service (store the order was made from)
- Customer name and contact info
- Credit Card info - not full numbers or CCV
- Application to bank transfer information. This is used for the online apparatuses to communicate with each other for transfer and reporting.
- Order information - what was asked for
- Invoice information - what was paid for
- Transaction information - each of these actions generates a record called a transaction that is associated with the order. Each will be a separate line item in the transaction information section
- Authorization - can have multiple attempts recorded
- Payment
- Cancellation
- Voids
- Refunds/Returns - can have multiple in the event of partial refunds or returns
Prior to closing for the day, the order details page also offers the ability to cancel the order prior to the payment step. Cancellation requires Company Staff permissions and is covered in another article and video.
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