Known Issues
Shaking elements in authoring
Reported: 5/27/2020 by the Oregon Youth Authority
Resolved: TBD
When authoring in some SharePoint 2016 sites in the Chrome browser, some users may see certain elements of the page shake or vibrate at a high frequency. While annoying, this is harmless and won't affect the outcome of the edits being performed.
This seems to be limited to the Chrome browser.
Use Firefox or Edge browsers if the shaking in Chrome is distracting.
The issue has not been witnessed in the Firefox or Edge browsers. Either of which will work fine for editing in the SharePoint 2016 environment.
Setting Data Table Sort (workaround)
Currently, there is a known issue with the DataTable webpart importing data from that prevents sort information from coming through with the dataset
To get around this issue follow the instructions below:
Click the sort button and select your desired sort option (in this case "start date & time (descending) see image below).
Once sorted by your desired column copy the URL from the address bar in your browser. You will only need to copy the information after .gov (in this case /osbeels/theboard/Pages/Meetings.aspx?wp1308=so:[[32000,0]] )
Using the information you just copied from your address bar ( /osbeels/theboard/Pages/Meetings.aspx?wp1308=so:[[32000,0]] ) change any location that links to this page (such as the left navigation) to use the new URL you just copied.
Now when any user visits this page from your meeting links they will be pre-sorted.
The information after the ? in the URL tells the page to preset the sort information for that page.
Images are not acting responsively
It is likely that the images in question are either "floating" (pulling left/right) and have their width and height explicitly declared inline, or just have their width and height declared inline. Both of these choices affect the responsive nature of the image as they tell the image to always be a certain size and/or ignore other rules relating to space.
I would suggest updating each problematic image, removing the explicit width and height attributes and adding the class "img-responsive." Also, if they are too large for display on the page to begin with (which was the reason the width and height was declared), the image should be resized and re-uploaded. From there, the img-responsive class ensures they are no larger than their parent containers, which fits in line with what you're asking for--they won't overlow, off-screen on smaller devices.
Contributed by: Matt Snow
Web part selection - header is in the way
You may run into trouble selecting web parts that are at the top of the selection pane.
What happens is this:
When the web part selection pane is opened from the ribbon, part of the page header does not respond and move down or get hidden, instead, it stays in place at the top of the page and hides some of the selections, actions or features that live in that part of the ribbon.
If you find that some options appear to be hidden, just click the 'Browse' tab in the ribbon and you will then see the previously hidden options. Same goes if the 'OK' button seems to be unresponsive in the web part selection pane, clicking the 'Browse' tab may fix that too.
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