SE Migration Documentation
Welcome to the home of the documentation for the upcoming migration. These documents outline the roadmap and general activities to migrate Tyler hosted websites from SharePoint 2016 to SharePoint Subscription Edition (SE).
Please note: these documents are a work in progress and are subject to change as we make more discoveries around what the migration will involve.
This knowledge base will grow as soon as we have more information. Please take a look at these available articles:
SE Migration Scope
Currently there are 134 websites on SharePoint 2016 edition. SharePoint 2016 is set to reach end of life on June 2026 thus all agency websites need to be migrated to SharePoint SE prior to this date.
High-Level Scope
- The migration from SP2016 to SE will also include some house-keeping performance updates, including database improvements.
- Website redesigns, both DIY and WOC, should be completed by the end of Q1 2025 unless specifically discussed with Tyler Oregons Web Team.
- Agencies should log any custom development that has occurred on their SharePoint site since the 2016 migration that was not performed by Tyler Oregon/NIC and provide this list to Tyler Oregon prior to their site migration.
- All websites hosted on the E-Government SharePoint environment must be migrated before July 2026
Agency Responsibilities
Please note: this list is a work in progress and is subject to change as we make more discoveries around what the migration will involve.
- Identify and communicate risks, issues and concerns to the E-Government Program so that they may be addressed proactively.
- Keep agency business managers informed on project progress.
- Provide the necessary staff to complete the specific Agency migration per the schedule and processes which will be communicated by Tyler Oregon team.
- Ensure designated SPOC responds timely to communications from the E-Government Program.
- Remove any reliance on versioning to access older versions of a document in Document Libraries. We will need to limit the number of single document versions to be migrated to keep the data load as small as possible. If you need previous versions of documents for your teams usage, they should be saved outside of SharePoint. Please see this article for more information about versioning.
- v4.x agencies need to complete SharePoint SE training no more than four weeks prior to setting up their (first) migrated website into the SharePoint SE staging environment.
- Notify the E-Government Program if their agency has special training needs or conflicts with the established training schedule.
- v4.x agencies need to complete Quality Assurance testing and sign-off within scheduled timeframe.
- Agency E-Government Single Points of Contact (known as SPOCs) will identify, add, and verify website authors permission levels and roles in Microsoft SharePoint SE.
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