2024 - V4x Template Accessibility Update Report
Here is a breakdown of the v4x template updates completed between December 2023 & December 2024 that apply to accessibility. Please click the release number heading for a more detailed breakdown of that release.
v4.15.10 (11/19)
Google Translate Image (hidden from view in Footer) - replaced empty alt text attribute with appropriate text for accessibility indication
Accordion Webpart - attribute added on page load for screenreader communication
v4.15.9 (9/10)
Accordion Webpart - support of anchor links to expand accordions added (currently only with search enabled)
Google Map Webpart - marker support updated to ensure correct marker display
v4.15.8.2 (7/23)
FormBuilder - Cloudflare bug fixed to allow for attachments
v4.15.8.1 (7/1)
Accordion - optional search functionality added
Custom Development - resolve bug that caused custom development to not show if first element in the page content
v.4.15.8 (6/4)
Helpful Page Poll - field limited to 100 characters to limit submission length
v4.15.7 (5/7)
Left Navigation
- added attribute to indicate expand/collapse
- class added to icons to fix display issues upon translation change
Document Library Webpart - bug fixed to remove increasing white space
DataTable Webpart
- sort & filter notifications simplified for less obtrusiveness
- search functionality expanded to include results with hyphens & underscores removed
Calendar Webpart - bug fixed to stop bullets from appearing when months changed
Breadcrumb - aria-label moved to appropriate element to for correct indication
Accordion Webpart
- rebuilt to meet accessibility requirements
- elements moved & restructured to ensure expanded content relates correctly to unexpanded panel/heading
Site Search Bar & Expansion
- new version developed from scratch for accessibility and screenreader clarity
- assists with tab and screenreader users flow & helps resolve blockers in flow
v4.15.5 (2/6)
Breadcrumb - added and removed attributes for new accessibility guidelines
Calendar Webpart
- added 'Today' text indicator added for second indication beyond color
- list & month buttons now work as tabs instead of buttons for clear indication to screenreaders
Accordion Webpart - attributes added to expansion icon for clear accessibility & screenreader indication
- radio buttons & checkbox fields are now contained within fieldset & legend elements to meet current accessibility
- help text moved to above the field to match with accessibility standards with forms & screenreaders
- 'Error' text added to required field for clarity and to call attention to screenreaders of missed required data input
Mobile Menu - old label removed to meet new accessibility standards
Main Navigation - old label removed to meet new accessibility standards
v4.15.4 (12/5)
Translation Dropdown - attribute updated to correct text to indicate function clearly
Calendar Webpart - attributes on list & month buttons updated to meet new accessibility suggestions
DataTable Webpart - aria-labels changed to update automatically and correctly communicate next action 'sort by {ascending/descending} order' on circumstance
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