SPST Version 4.15.2
Released on 10/03/2023
SPST 4.15.2 updates include:
- A fix for a FormBuilder bug, reported by PERS & OSBN, that caused error when adding more than 1 attachment. Zendesk tickets #126022, #125884
- A fix for a FormBuilder bug, reported by DHS, that caused help text to not display if the field is conditional. Zendesk ticket #124745
- An update to FormBuilder requested by OGEC. When submission results are exported into an .xlsx file, each fields input is placed in it's own column. Zendesk ticket #123154
- A fix for a bug with the Clean tool, reported by SOS, that caused empty elements (other than empty paragraphs) to be removed. Zendesk ticket #124748
- The Languages Translation dropdown is now moved into the OR-Official bar.
- An accessibility update has been made to the Search Bar in the navigation, including aria-labels.
- An accessibility fix for TAB users, the Search Bar will no longer expand on Focus, only when activated.
- An accessibility bug fix for TAB users, closing the Search Bar now moves focus to onto to the next item. Previously it moved it back to the Search Bar.
- DataTables now include aria-roles to help with screen reader accessibility.
- DataTables now include an alert when column headings are used to sort the data.
- DataTables now include an alert when a filter that has been applied is then removed.
- For clarity reasons in our Calender webpart, if a day only has a single event it is no longer shown as a list since it has a single entry, while multiple events on the same day still show as a list.
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