Flip card functionality
Flip image functionality
The flip image functionality is found only on the page: /Gov/pages/priorities.aspx. No edits to this page are necessary to edit, add, or remove flip images on the page.
Be sure to check in a private or incognito browsing window if you don’t see your changes in a few minutes. Your browser can hold a cache or memory of a page for quite some time depending on settings. This applies to all changes on the website including those mentioned here.
Card contents are populated in two places:
- Flip Card Images library - /Gov/flipcardimages/Forms/AllItems.aspx houses the images used in the library. Images must be uploaded to this library to use in flip images. Images must not be large. Use your favorite software to crop, resize and compress images to less than 200KB each before uploading.
- Flip Card list - /gov/Lists/Flip%20Cards/AllItems.aspx – The items in this list correspond to the flip images on the page using flip images.
To change the image on a card:
- Upload the new prepared image to the flipcardimages library.
- For assistance with uploading, see the Service Desk Knowledge Base article on Uploading documents.
- Once uploaded, click the image to open it in a browser window.
- Copy the relative path of the image to the clipboard. The relative path is everything from and including the ‘/’ after oregon.gov up to and including the image type extension such as .png. An example would be /gov/flipcardimages/homelessness.jpg
- Navigate to the list and open the list item to be changed by clicking on it’s name in the ‘Title’ column.
- In the ribbon, select ‘Edit item’
- Paste the relative URL copied earlier into the ‘Cover’ field of the item.
- Update the Cover alt text as appropriate.
- Save the item and the image will update in a few moments.
To change the title, text and other attributes of a card:
- Navigate to the list and open the list item to be changed by clicking on it’s name in the ‘Title’ column.
- In the ribbon, select ‘Edit item’
- For each attribute, follow 1 and 2 with the steps listed for the attribute and then save the list item.
Change the title (bottom of the front of the card)
- Edit the text in the ‘Title’ field
- Save the list item and your change will take effect in a few moments.
Change the copy on the back of the card
- Edit the text in the ‘Body’ field.
- Save the list item and your change will take effect in a few moments.
Change the order of cards on the page
- For each card, change the value in the ‘Order’ field. A lower value will appear higher and to the left. Explanation: 1 will be upper left, 2 will be upper middle, 3 will be upper right, 4 will add a second row and will be the left hand card in the second row, 5 will be the middle card in the second row etc.
Activate or de-activate cards
- To de-activate a card, click to un-check the ‘Active’ box.
- To activate a card, click to check the ‘active’ box.
To add a new card:
- Upload a prepared image to the Flip Card Images library.
- Navigate to the Flip Cards list
- Select ‘New item’ in the top left area of the page
- Title field - Fill in the Title with the text to be seen on the bottom of the front of the card
- Body field - Fill in the Body field with the copy to be included on the back of the card. This is a rich text area, so styles and links can be applied as desired.
- Order field - Fill in the Order field with a number corresponding to the position on the page the card is to take. See the description above in the ‘Change the order of cards on the page’ section for an explanation on how the order works. If a card is to take the place of another, be sure to change the orders of the other cards as described in that section.
- Active – to see the item on the page once this list item is saved, check the Active box. Leave the box unchecked to keep the card off the page for now. This can be useful to get a card ready for the public before it’s needed and then quickly be able to activate it.
- Cover field – As described above, collect the relative URL of the picture to be used on the card and paste that here in the Cover field.
- Cover Alt Text – enter a concise description of what’s in the picture here.
Once all fields are populated, click ‘Save’ to add the item to the list. Active items will appear on the card page in a few moments.
To remove a card from the page:
There are two possibilities:
Delete the Item
- Navigate to the Flip Cards list
- Select the list item by hovering over the item and then clicking the check icon to the left of its name.
- Activate the ‘Items’ tab in the ribbon
- Select ‘Delete Item’
- Confirm the action in the affirmative in the pop-up box that is offered
The item will be deleted. There is no versioning or history in a list, so there are no ‘Undo’s or take backs on this action.
De-activate the item
- Navigate to the Flip Cards list
- Open the list item by clicking it’s name
- Select ‘Edit Item’ in the ribbon
- Uncheck the ‘Active’ box
- Save the item
This way the item is not gone forever and can be re-activated if the need should arise. This is useful for seasonal or periodic items.
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