SPST Version 4.14.7
SPST v4.14.7
Production Release
3/7/2023 after 8pm PST
Staging Release
2/28/2023 after 5pm PST
Bug Fixes
- A fix where SP ribbon sometimes displays behind content boxes when inserting webparts.
- A fix to OSP's Missing Persons Datatable is erroring when filtering.
- A fix to Newsroom web part so it would use an AND operator and not an OR operator when filtering for an Agency and a Category at the same time.
- A fix to Accordion webpart "plus sign".
Accessibility Updates
- Display the Weeks column (as the 8th column in addition to the seven Days of the Week columns).
- Convert the Description from table markup description list (<dl>).
- Add aria-current="page" attribute/value to the anchor that reflects the current page.
- Add aria-expanded="false" to the three buttons in the toolbar.
- Add aria-selected="true" attribute when button is selected (active), and ensure that it flips to false if unselected (inactive).
- Add a dynamic aria-expanded attribute that is set to false by default and switches to true when the button is used to open the menu.
- Update "Close this menu" from an anchor to button.
- Update all anchors that open tabs/slide to buttons (and prevent the page from submitting).
- Update all anchors that open tabs/slide from to buttons with aria-expanded="false".
- Update Helpful Poll anchors to buttons and add aria-haspopup="dialog".
- Add .sr-only span tags with "Previous Month" and "Next Month" inside the icon span.
Other Updates
- Ability to load Arabic translation into CSV file, so that when we get to Arabic, we can declare the text direction be ltr and not rtl.
- "An official website of the state of Oregon" is overlapping when Arabic is selected.
- Add condition on accordion subheading feature that prevents an empty tag if the subheading value is empty. Relates to Zendesk Ticket #122295
- Add a version query string parameter to the agency. css and agency.js URLs in the enterprise.master.
- Add a date range filter to the Newsroom web part.
- Update core15.css for .ms-rte-wpbox to remove the property text-align: left;
- update the addthis script in the webpart seen on the newsdetails.aspx page.
- Form Builder Updates:
- Add callback for reCAPTCHA using onload attribute.
- Add language support for reCAPTCHA using hl attribute.
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